RPM Hire: Your Trusted Local Buy Prequalified Supplier for Traffic Management Services

RPM Hire: Your Trusted Local Buy Prequalified Supplier for Traffic Management Services

RPM Hire is proud to be a Local Buy pre-qualified supplier, specialising in Traffic Management Services. Local Buy is renowned for providing impartial probity services to Queensland Government entities across Australia, ensuring that procurement processes are efficient, transparent, and reliable.

The Benefits of RPM Hire’s Prequalification for Customers

Choosing RPM Hire as your pre-qualified supplier through Local Buy offers numerous advantages, designed to enhance your project’s efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and compliance.

1. Streamlined Procurement Process

Accessing RPM Hire’s services through the Vendor Panel using the code LB325 streamlines the procurement process. All necessary supplier details are readily available, ensuring the process is simple so that it’s easier for Government authorities to make informed decisions swiftly. This streamlined process eliminates the need for extensive research and comparison, saving valuable time.

2. Cost Savings

As a pre-qualified supplier, RPM Hire has undergone rigorous vetting, thereby eliminating the need for additional tendering and advertising expenses. This prequalification directly translates to cost savings for councils and organisations by significantly minimising the administrative workload associated with contract preparation.

3. Reduced Risk

Local Buy’s prequalification process ensures that all suppliers meet stringent criteria for quality and reliability. By choosing RPM Hire, customers can be confident in the integrity and professionalism of the services provided, significantly reducing the risk of project delays or issues.

4. Compliance and Probity

RPM Hire’s status as a Local Buy pre-qualified supplier means that we adhere to high standards of compliance and probity. This prequalification helps customers bypass legislative and reputational risks, ensuring that all projects meet necessary legal and ethical standards.

5. Enhanced Project Integrity

RPM Hire have a commitment to provide quality and reliability to ensure that all traffic management needs are met with the utmost professionalism and care.

6. Administrative Efficiency

Utilising Local Buy’s Vendor Panel with code LB325 facilitates streamlined access to relevant supplier information which significantly reduces the need for administrative duties. This enhanced efficiency liberates resources and staff time, enabling more time to focus on core project activities rather than procurement logistics.

How to Leverage RPM Hire’s Prequalification for Your Project

1. Access the Vendor Panel: Log in to the Local Buy Vendor Panel
2. Enter Code LB325: Use the code to locate RPM Hire under Traffic Management Services.
3. Review Supplier Information: Access detailed information about RPM Hire’s services and qualifications.
4. Select RPM Hire: Choose RPM Hire as your trusted supplier for seamless traffic management services.


Our Product Offerings

RPM Hire offers a range of traffic management equipment. We pride ourselves on offering the best quality products and services on the market. Any equipment we offer can be hired through the Local Buy pre-qualified supplier service. Our equipment includes a range of electronic traffic management signage, electronic equipment, lighting solutions, road safety barriers and crash barriers.



Choosing RPM Hire as your Local Buy pre-qualified supplier for Traffic Management Services offers a multitude of benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, risk reduction, and compliance. Our prequalification ensures that each customer will receive top-tier services with minimal administrative hassle, allowing there to be more focus on the successful completion of projects.

For more information or to get started, visit the Local Buy Vendor Panel and use code LB325 or for any questions you can find more information on our QLD website. For further information about us or you can contact us via our website form or call 1300 479 570. Experience the ease and confidence of working with RPM Hire, your trusted partner in traffic management.

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